The first 50+ mph wind storm finally blew into town this week. The locals say it's a little late this year, but it is the first of many vicious blizzards. It doesn't really snow during the storm (or maybe it does?) but the wind picks up so much of the snow that's already on the ground, it creates a "white-out" effect:
That picture was with the flash on, here's the same exact shot with no flash:
Why was I out taking pictures in a white-out, you ask? Well, I still needed to take my garbage to the dump! I had about 30 feet of visibility, so all I had to do was follow the driftwood. Too bad I couldn't get a fire started to burn the garbage though...
I also took a long walk today out to "Jingiak," a river north of the Shaktoolik. I communed with nature as I stood and watched a red fox dance about in the tundra. My orange jacket must have thrown up a red flag though, because he took off before he got closer than 200 yards.
The only spot of the ice that concerned me was the mouth of the Shaktoolik River, and when I saw this 2 foot chunk upheaved, I stopped worrying. I set a new record for myself in -10 degree weather with the wind though, about 3 hours of walking today. I am glad to be inside blogging right now, to say the least!
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