My roomate, Rob, has two strange passions up here in the tundra: self portraits and insanely long walking treks. He'll come back after leaving at 9 am in total darkness and return at 5 pm in total darkness, with a camera-load of self portraits taken throughout the day. I channeled the spirit of Rob on this Saturday and took a six mile walk out to "second bend," a place on the Tagoominick River. After slipping on some extremely slick ice on the river, I snapped this shot by the ocean.
My travels ended at about 2pm, and the sun had already hit his peak and began to descend for his 19-hour away time. I snapped one last self-portrait before going inside to some leftover chicken and rice.
When I got home some students came over and asked to play the Wii. I told them I'd be glad to let them play, AFTER THEY DID MY DISHES!!!!! Muwhahahaha!!!!! Another came over and wanted to play, and guess what, THE FLOOR NEEDS CLEANING TOO!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha!
I tell my students that I don't make promises. If I say I'm going to do something, than I'm going to do it. Especially if it includes defeating my students in Wii Bowling! They're boxing each other in this shot:
I'll now attempt to load a bunch of cool pictures I've taken into a slideshow (and I'll throw some ham in there too).
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