40 degrees and raining at high noon, wow! This picture was taken yesterday. Just like a wonderful December day in Washington, but wait, I AM IN SHAKTOOLIK. The weather in Seattle is 25 degress with snow! Holy cow! This Washington weather has got me all pumped up--but everyone else hates it! They want snow for their snowmachines, but I want to run on the beach. All of the ocean ice has melted and it was washing out of Norton Sound is big clumps.
The ocean ice is basically all melted now. I went for a run last night and I felt like I was walking on the moon. Big clumps of brown ice, a howling wind, and strange colors in the sky. If I were an eskimo 2,000 years ago (or 100 years ago), I would definitely have believed that spirits were haunting the beach. I swore the wind sounded like a plane coming in to land, or a person trying to talk to me (in a screaming voice nonetheless).
The color of the arctic winter sky still seems bizarre to me. Like an impressionist painting exploded where the sun should be. Lots of pastel colors--light blue, yellow, and orange. Check these shots of the sunrise (at 10:30 am) this morning. The sun didn't peak out until about 11:45.
I waited another half hour and got another shot from the ocean side of town. The blue was beautiful, but it still looks strangely unnatural to me. I'll be home for X-mas in just 19 days! The students are getting a bit restless but we'll get through those standards.
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